White nursing shoes for women
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White summer medical shoesThe wholesale price of nursing medical shoesBulk order of nursing medical shoes
In some jobs such as nursing, a person spends a lot of time traveling and caring for patients in different departments of the hospital, which causes physical fatigue. To reduce physical fatigue, it is very important to wear comfortable and medical shoes.
White summer medical shoes
In the summer, due to the heat of the air and work time activities, the temperature inside the shoes rises and causes the feet to sweat. To avoid this situation, we recommend using summer shoes. Summer medical shoes have holes in the top and armpits, which cause air ventilation and, as a result, feel cool in the feet.
The wholesale price of nursing medical shoes
Manufacturers produce medical shoes in sizes 37 to 41 for women’s use, which are made of durable natural leather and artificial leather. These shoes are often wax-resistant and their prices start from 400 thousand tomans. will be
Bulk order of nursing medical shoes
For a bulk order of white nursing shoes, hospitals and health care centers across the country can contact the expert consulting team of Shamsa Shoe Company and finalize their order. Also, Shamsa Shoe company has considered a special discount for this respectable class in recognition of their efforts. It is our honor to serve you.